Duration: November 1, 2023 – March 31, 2028

Project Focus: GBV and Child Protection

The GAASHAAN Project is a multi-year intervention aimed at strengthening protection systems to ensure the availability of timely, and inclusive GBV and child protection services.


The GAASHAAN Project is a multi-year intervention aimed at strengthening protection systems to ensure the availability of timely, and inclusive GBV and child protection services. The project focuses on empowering communities to lead prevention and advocacy efforts while supporting survivors with comprehensive care.


  1. Strengthened the capacity of GBV and child protection actors through regular training and collaboration.
  2. Enhanced service delivery by establishing safe spaces and improving referral pathways for survivors.
  3. Facilitated stakeholder dialogues, bringing together local authorities, service providers, and community leaders to address GBV and child protection concerns.
  4. Supported the creation of community-based protection committees to report and respond to cases of violence and family separation.
  5. Conducted awareness campaigns to improve knowledge of rights, available services, and reporting mechanisms for GBV survivors.
  6. Distributed essential dignity and hygiene kits to vulnerable groups to enhance their well-being.
  7. Increased community participation in advocacy efforts aimed at influencing local and regional policies related to protection and safety.
  8. Strengthened emergency helplines and case management systems to provide timely support to survivors.
  9. Built strong partnerships with civil society organizations to improve community engagement in protection activities.
  10. Produced evidence-based reports that informed policy discussions and contributed to gender-sensitive programming.